Add to that list Cuba, whose citizens - to this very day - still enjoy the freedom to do as they are told!
this incident in paris makes me feel absolutely furious.
yes i feel desperately sorry for the victims and their families no one should have to deal with that.
the thing that makes me feel absolutely incandescent though is the attack on freedom of speech and expression.
Add to that list Cuba, whose citizens - to this very day - still enjoy the freedom to do as they are told!
this incident in paris makes me feel absolutely furious.
yes i feel desperately sorry for the victims and their families no one should have to deal with that.
the thing that makes me feel absolutely incandescent though is the attack on freedom of speech and expression.
Insisting on having it's own way and being sole authority over all, intolerant of all who object.
Would that not also apply equally to communism?
this incident in paris makes me feel absolutely furious.
yes i feel desperately sorry for the victims and their families no one should have to deal with that.
the thing that makes me feel absolutely incandescent though is the attack on freedom of speech and expression.
"Fascist faith"
Out of interest, how do you define Fascism?
feb kingdom ministry 2015, irate householders, "we don't apologize for our work", "did they hear rumors about jws"?
why so angry?
blood or disfellowshipping?.
It was always realised that the suggested "presentations" in the Kingdom Ministry were completely irrelevant for the territory our congregation had (i.e. in Logan city, Queensland, Australia). There, angry persons were the rule rather than the exception. The cause of this anger was no mystery, either - we were covering the territory in less than a month, and people were heartily sick of us.
However, the party line was that "you don't work a territory to death, rather, you work it to life." (I fool you not!). Consequently, whatever conciliatory talk / explanations were suggestedby the WTS, the real issue was never ever mentioned. (Not that your typical Logan City resident - in his singlet and thongs,with a beer belly spilling over the top of his stubbie shorts - was ever very amenable to reasoning anyway, in this or any other matter).
a woman has been shot dead by a 2-year-old in a wal-mart store in idaho.. .
the 29-year-old was shopping with four children in the store in hayden, when the two-year-old reached into her handbag and fired the weapon, shooting her dead.. initial reports suggested the woman was the boy's mother, but the police have said that this is as yet unclear how they are related.. source;
i've nothing to add to my past comments on americas psychotic relationship with guns.
The only two people whom I know personally that have been shot were also themselves armed. Both were licensed to carry a 9 mm automatic, both were very proficient in using the things, yet both still ended up getting shot (in two separate incidents).
This would tend to indicate to me that carrying a firearm may not, after all, offer the level of protection that many people seem to think it does.
Maybe the Australian country singer, John Williamson, got it right in his song We must have a Flag of our Own:
- a stanza of which reads "The way to get shot is to carry a gun".
One much like any other, I would have thought!
i have noticed an apparently increasing number of men who are not interested in becoming ministerial servants or elders.
i also know of some that have voluntarily stepped down (which is my case) for no obvious solid reason.. i remember, during my teenage years or even during my twenties, the brothers were always looking forward to being appointed... although many still do, i have noticed there are many others with whom you do not know what the deal is.. since there is no freedom of speech within the organization, we remain in the dark about the motives and desires of everybody else.
i attend a congregation with only two ministerial servants, while it is full of men who do not seem to be willing to do more.. it is hard to tell exactly what is going on, since honesty is not possible while you are inside, but i am starting to think that more and more are becoming disillusioned.... .
How things must have changed !
Once, they were climbing over each other to be appointed.
lindt chocalate cafe martin place in city people pressed against the glass with hands up...this will not end well..
From what I have heard and read Australians aren't allowed to own firearms except under special circumstances.
As the owner of a set of three rifles, I can say that it is not too difficult to obtain a firearms licence in this country. Primarily, you just need to have a genuine reason for owning these weapons. However, in common with many other countries of the former British Empire, the police here would not class self-defence as a legitimate reason (in fact, if you offered that as the reason for owning a gun, they would almost certainly reject your application for a firearms licence!)
In my case (and also true of most gun owners in Australia) being a member of a rifle shooting club was considered sufficient to be granted a Class A and B Firearms Licence, which covers rifles and shotguns.
Before anybody directs a stream of tomatoes in my direction, this is purely for your (i.e. Honesty's) information:
-I am not offering any comment as to whether this is, or is not, a good policy - I am just stating how it is!
sundayreview | op-ed columnist.
how isis drives muslims from islam.
after a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
The case of the Kurds is something else again.
Over the millenia, they have actually held powerful positions as co-rulers in the various empires.
For example, in Biblical times, the Persian Empire was known more correctly as the Medo-Persian Empire, with the Medes (i.e. allies of the Persians) being the modern day Kurds.
Later, during the time of the Crusades, the Saracen leader, Saladin, was in fact a Kurd.
In many ways, their case could be compared to the United Kingdom, where, at various times either Welshmen (as in David Lloyd George) or Scots (as in the cases of Campbell-Bannerman and Ramsay McDonald) served a sprime ministers of Great Britain.